

Joining a gym at any time of life can be a daunting experience if you’re not used to them. but there are many positive benefits of joining a gym that will enhance your life.


  • When you regularly attend a gym and are smashing the cardio and weights, you’re definitely going to see an improvement in your overall health and wellbeing. This includes a stronger, healthier heart and set of lungs and improved muscle strength.
  • Working out regularly can also reduce your risk of injury and illness as well as preventing osteoporosis (bone weakness/loss).
  • Your efforts may also lower your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes (type II).
  • Lifting weights regularly can be a more effective way to lose weight than only doing cardio such as running, cycling or swimming because your metabolism stays higher for longer after a weight’s session, you experience muscle regeneration; when your body uses calories to rebuild your muscles after a weight’s session (when your muscles ache) and BMR; once you have stronger muscles, you use more calories to feed them.


A recent study (2017) at Iowa University found that people who belonged to a gym not only exercised more – for both aerobic activity and strength training – they also had better cardiovascular health outcomes. Those health benefits were even greater for people who had a gym membership for more than a year. The report’s author said: “Gym members were 14 times more aerobically active than non-members and 10 times more likely to meet muscle strengthening guidelines, regardless of their age and weight.” The results were similar in both men and women. The study also discovered that 75% of study participants with gym memberships, compared to 18% of non-members, met current health guidelines (about 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity each week).


Exercise increases energy levels and helps you feel more alert. As you work out in the gym you improve your lung capacity, which will allow for much more oxygen to be pumped into your brain and bloodstream helping you feel more alert and ready for action. In addition, regular exercise helps your blood to circulate oxygen to your muscles more efficiently giving you a heightened level of energy production.


As we age all our muscles and soft tissues begin to shorten and shrink and we lose a lot of elasticity so everything from the ligaments, muscles and tendons start to shorten, contract and tighten up. By keeping our muscles strong and stretching (as you should be doing before and after your work out) it’s really going to help you move around without restriction and without aches or pains. What most people don’t realize is that most of their problems can be solved with just a little bit of relief from that painful area. Naturally, when your body is stronger, more flexible, and better aligned, you’re going to benefit from better balance too.


While working out at home has its benefits, it can also spell disaster for your motivation and commitment to getting your routine done. With a million distractions and the kids around your ankles, excuses like “I’ll work out when the kids are in bed” or “I’ll do it after dinner” will most of the time turn into “I’ll do it tomorrow.” Which of course, never comes. Without real focus and a solid routine to follow, your motivation and commitment to really getting fit and strong are going to be in jeopardy from day one. By hitting the gym a few times a week, with no other distractions and really committing to that program will not only help to keep you on track but keep you firmly motivated and committed to the cause.

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